
The good thing about Coppola is that he is insane enough to do anything for the film he wants to make.

The bad thing about Coppola is that he is insane enough to do anything for the film he wants to make.

I expected weirdness with some kind of entertaining value, given the type of reception that the film was getting as incoherent or incompetent. What I didn't expect was Coppola pontificating what at best seems like nonsense, and at worst seems reprehensible. It is clear that this is the same Coppola that nowadays believes that films like "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" are a victory for cinema, the resistance. One that argues in his film about how demagogues are going to lead to the suppression of art by manipulating easily swayable masses through populism - a perspective that seems reasonable at first but easily shows itself to be cynical and incredibly pessimistic - yet whose response is more demagogy to sell the population a utopia that almost seems made by an artificial intelligence - inhuman, uninhabitable, regardless of Coppola's leaps of logic to justify it. One that cannot imagine a future of art without computer generated imagery, and only in the hands of the social elites. It is painful when the movie portrays the foundation of the utopia on a new construction material, Megalon, that revolutionizes architecture (and therefore art), but every time we look at it, we look at something fake that is generated by a computer, almost as if Coppola implied that Megalon is a stand-in for new technologies in his fable.

I am very glad that Coppola finally got Megalopolis made. Good for him. I am also very upset that he made this movie.


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