
Showing posts from March, 2022

Robotron 2084 - Twin-stick apocalypse

There is something strangely beautiful about the end of the world in art and the reaction that it draws from its characters, particularly the feelings that it gets from the people facing the inevitable demise, because it is then that you see them at their rawest. Robotron 2084 fits that category as an abstract portrayal of the collapse of civilization by the hands of machines, and to that purpose it sets the player as a survivor in the middle of the catastrophe, surrounded by robots chasing down the remnant humans. You can opt to save them, but the main challenge is to get past the waves of machines. The aim of the developers is that the player feels panic in an apocalyptic scenario, and to that purpose there are two sticks, one for movement and the other one to shoot in a direction, as the survivor's defense mechanism. The repercussion this has on the player is that there's a need to coordinate betwen two forms of reaction: To dodge and to shoot, and these two draw your atten

Adventure of Link - A "post-RPG"

In Adventure of Link , the protagonist (Link) is already an adult, and this has certain implications in the context of the genre, filled with heroic adventures of teenagers that leave their home to fight evil and grow up during the journey. With the protagonist already having grown up and the victory against the enemy having already been reached before the events of the game, what comes after?  Adventure of Link focuses itself in adulthood instead, and its subversion comes from being a "post-RPG", a story that would come after what would happen in other RPGs, similarly to (and in certain ways a successor of) Quest of the Avatar . What this game does to accentuate this effect is the perspective shift, where the field of vision moves away from the avatar in a top-down view, blurring itself with less details, whereas the emergent events move closer from a lateral angle. This navegation system allows encounters with visible enemies on the map, trespassing caverns or discovering

Pac-Man - The pleasure of the maze

When we think about Pac-Man , one of its indelible images involves the eponymous character running away from some colorful ghosts and later him being the one that chases them after getting a Power Pellet in order to eliminate them. Because of this, Pac-Man is usually cited as the first game with power-ups. However, the ghosts have a shorter duration of vulnerability after each level, and once you reach the twenty-first screen, those Power Pellets have no impact on them, and instead ghosts are faster, which represents how little actually mattered to director Toru Iwatani to entrance the player with the satisfaction of overcoming enemies they were previously weak to. Pac-Man is a maze game where the player has to obtain all pellets and avoid ghosts that pursue the player to get to the next screen. Before its release, mazes in videogames were more closely associated with role-playing games such as Oubliette and Beneath Apple Manor , two great games of their generation that broadened th

Genealogy of the Holy War

Fire Emblem is a dramatization of warfare and conflict, where the graveness of the conflict is amplified by the permanent death, forcing the player to deal with loss, and the movement in grid in long maps with emphasis on terrain to enhance the sense of scale. These elements inevitably polarize audiences by not conforming to modern console videogame design, but the result of inducing a mental commitment with the maps is an involving quality of Fire Emblem . What the Fire Emblem creator Shouzo Kaga then decides for the fourth game, even with the risk of polarizing players even further, is to expand the size of the maps and to construct them analogically to the world so that the progress through the continent is directly perceivable by the player in order to magnify the dramatic scale of the conflict. The anticipation to the battle alongside the sense of distance while the days in war pass by. This decision in its planning is part of what makes Genealogy of the Holy War a dedicated ap